CDIT carries out various dissemination and education activities in order to promote extensive use and popularization of advanced technologies
―Dissemination of Information and Education Service
Preparation and publication of technical guidelines and manuals
CDIT prepares and publishes various kinds of guidelines and manuals for designing, construction, maintenance, disaster prevention etc. based on the output of its research in order to promote effective utilization and wide spread of advanced technological information (48 manuals and guidelines issued by 2010.)■Guidelines and Manuals published and distributed by CDIT
■Examples of projects implemented based on our technical manual
Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport) where compaction grouting method was applied for liquefaction countermeasure.
Development of Software
CDIT develops computer software for various numerical simulation models in cooperation with institutes such as Port and Airport Research Institute, sells them and holds work shops as well.
■Numerical Wave Channel (CADMAS-SURF※)
CADMAS-SURF, Its Research and Development/Examples of practical calculation
■Forecasting Program for Structural Damage due to Liquefaction (FLIP※)
■General-purpose Ground Analysis Program (Geo Fem※)
GeoFem Manual
Technical Terms
CADMAS-SURF (Super Roller Flume for Computer Aided Design of Maritime Structure) is a numerical simulation program used to estimate wave force and wave topping for coastal structures instead of i mplementing m odel tests w hich require large experimental facilities.
FLIP (Finite Element Analysis Program for Liquefaction Process) is a numerical simulation program for dynamic effective stress analysis to estimate the residual deformation of ground and structure by earthquake shaking as well as the stress in structure members.
This is a numerical simulation program to analyze deformation of ground supporting breakwaters and other upper structures.
●The North-East Asia Port Symposium
The North-East Asia Port Symposium is held every year t aking turns by Japan, Korea and China in order to exchange updated information and experience of ports and harbors, and there -by strengthen friendly ties.
IAPH (The International Association of Ports and Harbors) is an international NGO established in 1955 where people engaged in ports gather from all over the world. It aims t o promote development of ports and communication among port related peop le in the world. Its headquarters is in Tokyo.
Korea Ocean Research and Development
Institute established in 1973 plays a central role in oceanographic research in Korea.The present name is KIOST (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)
Organizing Symposiums and International Conferences
CDIT organizes seminars, symposiums, international conferences and work shops to widely disseminate advanced technologies for effective
development and utilization of coastal areas.
Opening address by the president of CDIT
■Annual research output reporting seminar (Coastal Technology)
Presentation of Research
■The 6th international workshop on coastal disaster prevention (Bangkok,Thailand),
Opening address by the president of CDIT
Worldwide dissemination of advanced technologies
CDIT carries out activities overseas to transmit advanced technology and knowledge for disaster prevention and development in coastal areas..
■The 9th North-East Asia Port Symposium※(Dalian, China), Presentation on Tsunami
Presentation of Research
■The 26th IAPH※ World Ports Conference (Genoa, Italy)
Presentation of Research
■The 6th international workshop on coastal disaster prevention (Bangkok,Thailand),
Opening address by the president of CDIT
Agreement on Research Cooperation
CDIT has made an agreement on research cooperation with many universities and research institutes, and carries out joint research and seminars as well as exchange of research information and publications.
■Signing Ceremony of Research Cooperation Agreement at Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI)※ in Seoul, Korea
Right : Kang Chung Guk, Director General of KORDI Left : President of CDIT
■Seminar jointly held by CDIT and KORDI based on Agreement on Research Cooperation
Worldwide dissemination of knowledge on disaster mitigation measures against tsunami
CDIT edited a book titled “TSUNAMI---To survive from tsunami” and published its Japanese version from Maruzen Publishing Co. in November 2008 to help people survive a tsunami. Then, CDIT successively published a book “TSUNAMI” in English and Indonesian languages, respectively from World Scientific Publishing Co. and PT. Sarana Komunikasi Utama. In addition, CDIT held worksh ops in Indonesia and other disaster stricken countries by Indian Ocean Tsunami to disseminate knowledge on tsunami and necessary precautionary measures to mitigate disasters based on the book “TSUNAMI”. This project was financially assisted by a Nippon Foundation. In connection with English and Indonesian publications, CDIT is commended and awarded "the Book of the Year 2009" by Japan Society of Civil Engineers.
Thereafter, CDIT edited a book titled "Tsunami is Deadly." which is a much easier version for children to understand major points written in the book "TSUNAMI", and published it in various languages such as Japanese, Indonesian and Spanish.
■Japanese, English and Indonesian versions of the book “TSUNAMI” as well as the book "Tsunami is Deadly."
■Dissemination of tsunami knowledge in Indonesia (Ceremony and Seminar commemorating publication of the Indonesian version of the book "Tsunami")
Left : His Excellency Minister Mr. Kadiman Kusumayant ,Ministry of Research and Technology, Indonesia
Right : President of CDIT
■Workshops in Indonesia