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CDIT contributes to technology inheritance and enhancing capacities of port and harbor engineers.

―Engineer qualification service

Qualification of Maintenance Engineer for Port and Harbor Infrastructure

Maritime and port & harbor facilities in Japan were mostly cons tructed about half a century ago during a rapid economic growth , and therefore faces growing challenges for aging and proper maintenance. Accordingly, CDIT examines and certifies “Maintenance Engineer for Port and Harbor Infrastructure” as a qualified engineer who is expected to play a leading role in preparing a maritime and port and harbor facility maintenance plan and its implementation.

Qualification of Design Engineer for Maritime, Port and Harbor Infrastructure

a performance design in which performance criteria and performance verification methods were entrusted to the discretion of des ign engineers. As such, CDIT started a qualification service in 2010 to examine and certify “Design Engineer for Maritime, Port and Harbor Infrastructure” as a qualified design engineer who is capable of designing based on his free idea and creativity while ensuring the quality of its design.

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